Games With Cheats

The Ultimate Madness Of GAMERS

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Midtown Madness

Player Name Cheats:
Change your player name to the following by clicking "New" in
the player selection screen.
Cheats marked with *NO SCORE* will disable race result monitoring
and score. You cannot unlock new vehicles with these enabled
(for obvious reasons).

Code Result
Showme Cops - Displays all Police Units on the map. *NO SCORE*
Big Bus Party - All traffic vehicles are city busses. *NO SCORE*
Tiny Car - All traffic vehicles are compact cars. *NO SCORE*
amizdA eoJ - All traffic vehicles drive around IN REVERSE.
Jet Planes - All traffic vehicles are Air Planes. *NO SCORE*
Warp Eleven - All AI is 10x faster. *NO SCORE*

Easter Eggs:
Also entered as the player name. Only available in single player
"Cruise Mode". These codes activate the new vehicle.

Code Result
vasedans & Pick the Cadillac - Generic car
vasedanl & Pick the Bullet - Generic light car
vavan & Pick the Ford F350 - The van
vadiesels & Pick the City Bus - The Diesel
vacompact & Pick the VW Bug - Rabbit-type compact car
vapickup & Pick the Ford F350 - Pickup truck
vabus & Pick the City Bus - Bus with new paint job
vadelivery & Pick the Ford F350 - Delivery truck
valimo & Pick the Mustang GT - Random limo
valimoblack & Pick the Mustang GT - Black limo
valimoangel & Pick the Mustang GT - White limo
vataxi & Pick the Cadillac - Yellow cab
vataxicheck & Pick the Cadillac - Green checkered cab
vaboeing_small & Pick the City Bus - Mini-jet

In-Game Cheats:
Press "CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F7" until a box appears on the screen.
Type the codes below. These only work in "Single Player mode".

Code Effect
/nodamage - No damage mode. *NO SCORE*
/damage - Damage back on.
/dizzy - Spinning sky.
/fuzz - Toggles cop radar. *NO SCORE*
/bridge - Bridge very quickly. *NO SCORE*
/ufo - Replace planes with UFOs.
/swap - Swap the train with a string of 737s.
/slide - Ambient cars have no friction. *NO SCORE*
/puck - Player experiences no friction. *NO SCORE*
/grav - Half gravity. *NO SCORE*
/postal - Horn fires mailboxes. *NO SCORE*
/talkfast - Commentary plays fast.
/talkslow - Commentary plays slow.
/big - Big people.
/tiny - Tiny people.
/nosmoke - Wheel / Damage smoke off.
/smoke - Wheel / Damage smoke on.

One Response so far.

  1. train horns Usually function by allowing compressed air Which Facilitate the loud sound That THEY give out. Which is the more compressed air, the more sound THEY Will produce. The source of air in unlimited truck Horn is unlikable Those of Hand Held horns.

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